My son’s baseball team went undefeated this year. He actually held a 1.000 batting average, drove in an uncountable amount of runs and scored just as many. Seems like a fabrication, I know. But I’m not fudging any numbers.

Excuse me, my son’s ‘t-ball’ team went undefeated this year.
Yep, I’m talking about t-ball. Everybody got to hit. Everybody got to run the bases. Everybody had fun.
It was an amazing feeling to see my son playing ball on the diamond. The first practice was seriously an emotional moment for me and my wife. Our little son, eight pounds, eight ounces was growing up before our very eyes. Seeing him field ground balls, hit off the tee, and run the bases never got boring. This t-ball season was my favorite season of baseball I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.
The first practice was actually full of comical moments. We showed up to the practice field, running late as usual. Other players were already on the field. Not only were they on the field, they were throwing and catching. LIke, one kid would throw the ball and the other kid would catch it. My four year old couldn’t do that. He could throw it to you, sure. It may bounce halfway to you, but it would get there eventually. And yeah, he could catch it, if you threw it directly into his glove!
I walked Charlie up to the fence. I said hi to the coach. I’m almost sent him out on the field when the coach told me that this is the six and seven year old league’s practice field.
Oh thank God.
So we ran back to the car, a little more late now, hustled over to the correct field and were met by his actual coach and other actual four year old kids.
I’d never been so thankful to be wrong in my life!
At the first practice I realized something special about our t-ball team.
Our coach was the best coach in the league.
I know what you’re thinking.
You’re just saying that.
You have to say that because the guy was your kid’s coach.
The truth is, Mr. Will was the absolute best t-ball coach that my son could have possibly had this year. Being that he is four, this was Charlie’s first year of t-ball. It was all new to him. When he went out onto the field, there were very few kids that he knew. He was excited about playing; however, he was nervous at the same time. Mr. Will was able to cut through the nerves and get all of the kids to feel comfortable and play right away.
The first practice drill they did: Say Your Name.
That’s exactly right. The first activity they did at practice was learn each other’s names. Thing is, Mr. Will knew all their names before they even stepped on the field! When we walked up to the practice field, late, Mr. Will called out Charlie’s name and invited him to come and play!
The kids were taught how to throw, field, bat and run before the end of the second practice. Our little team was small, but every kid could hit the ball successfully with the help of Mr. Will. He was always so patient with them and explained to each one how to stand, how to hold the bat and how to run to first after hitting the ball.

The practice before the first game held one of my favorite memories of the year. After showing our kids how to sit in the dugout, stand in the on-deck circle, and go to the plate and hit; Mr. Will reviewed with them what was allowed and not allowed during the game. Mr. Will told all the kids that they were to sit on the bench, cheer for their teammates, and NOT say anything mean to the other players.
Before ending practice, Mr. Will asked the players three questions…
“Are we going to climb on the fence in the dugout?”
All the kids responded with a loud, “NO”!
“Are we going to play with the bats in the dugout?”
Again, all the kids responded with a loud, “NO”!
“Are we going to cheer on our teammates in the dugout?”
You know it. All the kids gave a loud, “NO”!
Every parent within earshot could be seen laughing at how cute and innocent all the kids were.
At the trophy presentation pizza bash toward the end of the year, Charlie received his first participation trophy. If you would have asked me before this season if a four year old should receive a trophy simply for showing up, I may have responded negatively. Honestly, I thought trophies should only be given when a player had won something or achieved something special.
It’s funny how perspective can alter your opinion.
Well, all that went out the window when I saw the smile on my son’s face holding his t-ball trophy. I tell you no lie, he held that trophy during the entire party, the entire way home and even took it to bed with him that night. That trophy was important to him and that made it important to me. Sure, my view may change and he grows older; but for now, all t-ball players deserve and should receive a trophy.

Here’s the deal, I know that patience is important with my one four year old son. I have the utmost respect to Mr. Will and his two assistants for having the patience to pleasantly deal with fourteen four and five year old little angels. Not one time did any of the coaches raise their voice, put a hand on, or even speak sternly to a child.
I know for certain that there were times when Charlie was hesitant about going to practice or a game. The reason why isn’t so important. But what I do know is that when he saw Mr. Will, he ran his little hiney out onto the field to play some ball.
I also want to give a huge shout out to Mr. Wills wife, our team mom, Mrs. Meredith. Somehow she kept all of our players safe, under control and happy in the dugout. You could bet on her meeting you with a smile no matter the situation. She actually cared deeply about each player.
Charlie’s first year of t-ball was a huge success on so many levels. I am beyond thankful for Mr. Will and his assistant coaches, Mrs. Meredith and every other player that was on Charlie’s team this year.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I don’t think this season could have been better. Sure, the undefeated record was nice...wink, wink. I’m just so thankful that my son enjoyed this experience. I’ll admit, I was nervous that he wouldn't enjoy it. That thought had crept its way into my mind before the first practice. However, with care and coaching of Mr. Will, my son fell in love with t-ball.
Charlie and the rest of the family cannot wait for next season! Back to back undefeated seasons? Who knows…